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Seniors - Healthy Living - Service Available in: English Language

Big Moves Big Gains Parkinson's Exercise

Parkinson's Disease affect physical movement, however regular exercise can provide significant benefits to those affected by this disease. We will work on improving your posture, strength, and balance while also helping to decrease chances of falling.more info

Address / Contact Info
The Corporation of Delta
4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent
, Delta, BC, V4K 3E2
Registration and Information Line: (604) 952-3000
Web Links Website Email

Heart Wise - Levels 1, 2, & 3

Heart Wise can help you transition from your formal cardiac rehabilitation program to fitness programs available in your community. It is designed for people who have suffered a heart attack, undergone heart surgery or are at risk for other heart complications. Sessions are led by a personal trainer who will encourage regular daily exercise, incorporate warm up, cool down and self-monitoring. Instruction is done with varying, progressive levels of exercise so participants can safely and appropriately increase intensity. more info

Address / Contact Info
The Corporation of Delta
4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent
, Delta, BC, V4K 3E2
Registration and Information Line: (604) 952-3000
Web Links Website

Osteofit for Life

Osteofit for Life emphasizes agility, balance, strength and posture. Participants must complete Osteofit Level 1 before registering for Osteofit for Life.more info

Address / Contact Info
The Corporation of Delta
4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent
, Delta, BC, V4K 3E2
Registration and Information Line: (604) 952-3000
Web Links Website Email

Osteofit Level 1

Osteofit Level 1 is for people with osteoporosis who are at increased risk of fractures or have had one or more fractures. This program was developed by BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre in conjunction with the Osteoporosis Society of BC. more info

Address / Contact Info
The Corporation of Delta
4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent
, Delta , BC, V4K 3E2
Registration and Information Line: (604) 952-3000
Web Links Website Email


This website provides information about government programs and services for older adults. The goal is to provide the residents of B.C. with one place to go to find all the information they need to plan for and live a healthy, active aging lifestyle. Seniors' families and caregivers will find great information here, too. The BC Seniors' Guide is attached or can be downloaded in four languages from the website.more info

Address / Contact Info
Web Links Website

Weight Training for Mature Adults (50+)

Learn how to safely use the weight room and start your exercise program to increase bone density, decrease stress and increase your strength and flexibility. more info

Address / Contact Info
The Corporation of Delta
4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent
, Delta, BC, V4K 3E2
Registration and Information Line: (604) 952-3000
Web Links Website Email
Join the Wait List for a
Family Doctor
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Register for a Family Physician

The Division is no longer accepting new patients for registration on Fetch, our patient wailist for a family physician.

All new patients must register on Health Connect, the provincial government waitlist for family doctors in BC. Please see the link above.

If you are already registered on Fetch you will be contacted when a family physician becomes available; you will not lose your place on the waitlist.