Geographic Areas Served: Ladner
Changes addresses the behaviours and habits needed to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Working with a personal trainer in a small group, and meeting three times a week, learn to discard the negative behaviours and attitudes that may have impeded your success in the past. more info
Chronic Pain Self-Management Program
Free workshop teaches skills to manage daily challenges of living with chronic pain. Ways to manage pain, deal with difficult emotions, exercise safely, set goals, make decisions and work with health care professionals are some of the topics discussed in an interactive format with trained peer leaders. All participants receive the reference book "Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Pain" at no cost. Persons living with chronic pain and their caregivers are welcome to attend. Registration is required at or 604-940-1273.more info
Classic LifeCare
Classic LifeCare is a family-run agency providing the finest home care experience and nursing support for more than 40 years in Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary and Edmonton.more info
Delta Connex Parent Peer Group
Parent support group for parents with children who have ADHD, FASD or other complex behaviours. This is a program of Reach Child and Youth Development Society, led by a trained facilitator.more info
Delta Mental Health & Substance Use Services
This program ensures that adults with serious acute mental disorders have access to responsive, sensitive, and relevant assessment and treatment, and are linked with service providers. The goal is to provide treatments which restore the capability of adults with serious acute mental disorders to resume activities in caring for their families, coping with their jobs and participating in their communities. We accept referrals from any source, will call the person for an intake assessment and from that point direct to the appropriate resource which may be found at the Mental Health Centre or out in the community or Greater Vancouver area. Can provide Psychiatric Consults if appropriate. We also assist with urgent response in the community, call the Intake Clinician for consult if you have an urgent client. The Mental Health Centre is not however an emergency resource or facility. more info
Delta Mental Health & Substance Use Services
This program ensures that adults with serious acute mental disorders have access to responsive, sensitive, and relevant assessment and treatment, and are linked with service providers. The goal is to provide treatments which restore the capability of adults with serious acute mental disorders to resume activities in caring for their families, coping with their jobs and participating in their communities. We accept referrals from any source, will call the person for an intake assessment and from that point direct to the appropriate resource which may be found at the Mental Health Centre or in the community. We also assist with urgent response in the community; call the Intake Clinician for consult if you have an urgent client. The Mental Health Centre is not, however, an emergency resource or facility. more info
Delta Mental Health OLDER ADULT (formerly Geriatrics)
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR OLDER ADULT COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES: Age: are 65 years of age or older Diagnosis: have a late onset major mental illness, or behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) Risk: present risk(s) in their current environment Require a consultation and/or short-term follow-up from the Older Adult Community Mental Health Team Note: individuals under 65 years who have behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) may be servedmore info
Delta Seniors Bus
Free transportation service for seniors in South Delta. The Delta Seniors Bus offers convenient access to local medical services, recreation centres, shopping locations, and other community amenities. Hours of operation are Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 9:30 am to 4 pm. To book a ride, call 604-358-8765. All rides are subject to availability and 48 hours notice is recommended.more info
Delta Seniors Support Coordinator
Delta's new Seniors Support Coordinator, Eva, provides one-on-one assistance to seniors, including connecting seniors to community services and support. Eva works one day per week at each of Delta's three seniors recreation centres. Delta's Seniors Support Coordinator connects people 50+ to services and resources in the larger community, including information on health and wellness, housing options and government programs.more info
Deltassist Family and Community Services - Child and Youth Suicide Prevention Program
Provides assistance to children and youth who are at risk of committing suicide. Services include: risk assessment/management, individual and family counselling, coordinated community response and prevention/education/consultation and response to the community and in Delta schools.more info
Family Doctor Register for a Family Physician
The Division is no longer accepting new patients for registration on Fetch, our patient wailist for a family physician.
All new patients must register on Health Connect, the provincial government waitlist for family doctors in BC. Please see the link above.
If you are already registered on Fetch you will be contacted when a family physician becomes available; you will not lose your place on the waitlist.